International President, Matt Kinsey speaks on Integrity

Integrity: What Is It?

When no one is looking, a person of integrity acts in accordance with good moral and ethical standards. Integrity is one of the key qualities that companies look for in new hires since it serves as the cornerstone upon which coworkers form relationships and trust.

An individual who possesses integrity is one who is self-aware, accountable, responsible, and truthful, as well as someone whose acts are internally consistent.

What is Integrity's Process?

Integrity is a quality that attracts people to them since it shows that they can be relied upon. They have principles, and you can rely on them to act honorably in their capacity as employees.

Here are some instances of how individuals might display various characteristics of integrity at work.


Software developer John is trying to optimize a certain software process, but his code keeps causing issues. He could have continued writing inferior code to attempt to salvage his job and face, but he went to his team instead. He highlighted the dead ends he had encountered and why he believed that moving further would cause issues for the product later on, prohibiting the creation of advanced capabilities for the software.

The issue was discussed, and a solution was developed by the group. John threw out all of his code and rewrote it using suggestions from the group. Because of his candor, the team was able to easily enhance the capabilities of the new solution he provided.


Ellen failed to meet a deadline for a significant project that her team was expected to create. Even though her team members hadn't produced as promised, she accepted responsibility for the missed deadline rather than blaming them. She discussed the issues with her staff and put measures in place to prevent future underperformance.

Everyone on the team acknowledged their part in the loss, but because Ellen accepted ownership as the team leader, her team was able to grow from its errors.


Alisha was in charge of creating a report once per week that two other departments used on Friday to organize their workload for the following week. Alisha made sure the report would be generated as needed in her absence because she knew she was going to take a holiday soon.

She demonstrated how to prepare the report to another employee. She also documented the proper procedures so that her colleague would have a reference in her absence. For two weeks, Alisha oversaw the trainee so that her replacement could perform the actual duty. In case her colleague required assistance, she then got in touch with the other two departments to let them know that someone else would be preparing their report while she was away.

Integrity's Advantages

You can rely on the members of a staff to execute to the best of their abilities if the workforce is made up of people with integrity. They don't compromise their principles, take short cuts, lie, or cheat. They act in accordance with a set of principles that are constant throughout.

Because consumers and suppliers can rely on you to keep your word and behave honestly in the event of a mishap, integrity in business can enhance relationships with both parties. Integrity and corruption are incompatible because scandals caused by corruption can damage a company's reputation.

Talking about ethical challenges with your staff on a regular basis helps them understand your expectations and fosters a culture of integrity at work.

Key Takeaways
  1. Having strong ethical or moral values and upholding them at all times, regardless of who is looking, is a quality known as integrity.
  2. A person with integrity behaves honorably, honestly, and faithfully.
  3. Anyone who possesses integrity is in high demand since it shows that they will work hard and uphold their values.
Noor Mohammad, DTM
Noor Mohammad, DTM

Noor is a Toastmaster since 2013. He had served in various capacities in numerous roles in Toastmasters. He created several applications for the convenience of Toastmasters and runs a popular Facebook Group called Resources for Toastmasters with more than 12000 members.

Professionally, he is an engineer with multiple degrees from IIT Madras and TU Dresden Universities in Electrical Engineering. He is a founder and CTO in couple of companies where he amalgamates engineering design with Information Technology.

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