Tasya Galuh Hapsari
About Me

Hello, I’m Tasya Galuh Hapsari

In the vibrant city of Surabaya, where creativity flows through its bustling streets, resides a young and dynamic soul named Tasya. She's not just your average student at Brawijaya University in Malang; she's a passionate explorer of language, art, and the power of the human voice. Her life's canvas is painted with the vibrant hues of communication, and she's on a remarkable journey of self-discovery.

Tasya, a Communication Visual Design student, is the living embodiment of the saying, "Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life." Her education isn't a mere obligation; it's a passionate pursuit. With a heart enamored by the beauty of words, visuals, and the allure of the voice, she's found her niche in the world of art and communication.

What sets Tasya apart is her insatiable curiosity about the human experience. She believes that every person's story is a unique tapestry of trials, triumphs, and transformation. For her, these stories aren't just anecdotes; they are the living, breathing accounts of life's myriad perspectives. Tasya takes great pleasure in engaging people in conversations about their experiences, soaking up the wisdom and insights that flow from these dialogues. She's a seeker of truth and a collector of diverse perspectives, always ready to broaden her own horizons.

But Tasya's journey isn't confined to words and conversations alone. When words can't capture the depth of her emotions, she turns to one of her greatest passions - singing. As she dances her feelings away through the melodies and rhythms, she finds a profound sense of peace and connection with her inner self. Her voice becomes a conduit for her emotions, transcending the boundaries of spoken language. It's a testament to the power of expression through art.

Amidst this inspiring journey of self-discovery, Tasya discovered an organization that aligns perfectly with her aspirations: Toastmasters. She didn't join Toastmasters just to become a better public speaker or leader; she joined to harness her inner potential and expand her sphere of influence. With a platform that promotes effective communication, leadership, and personal development, she's on the path to becoming a captivating and influential voice in her community.

Home Club: Empire Toastmasters Club, Surabaya, Indonesia.