Leony Octavia
About Me

Hello, I’m Leony Octavia

Leony lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. She is a multifaceted individual with a passion for language learning, science, technology, networking, financial literacy, and communication skills. She operates a small online business and is known for her curiosity and love for learning. In addition to her diverse interests, Leony as a wheelchair user is also a passionate advocate for disability rights and issues.

Leony takes great pleasure in engaging with people about their passions, as she believes they often share valuable insights and knowledge. One of her favorite pastimes is listening to the soothing sound of rain, and she finds comfort in sipping on a steaming cup of dark hot chocolate.

Recognizing the importance of effective communication, Leony joined Toastmasters to enhance her ability to express herself with words. She used to despise small talk but has come to appreciate its role in honing her communication skills, which has kindled her enthusiasm for practicing it.

Leony's journey of self-discovery has extended to her love for colors. While she once favored the color blue, she now embraces all hues, acknowledging the unique beauty each color adds to life. Her diverse interests and open-mindedness make Leony Octavia a captivating individual who continually seeks knowledge and embraces the rich tapestry of life.

Home Club: SCBD Toastmasters Club